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- E. A. Weston
Killian Read online
E. A. Weston
Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Also by E. A. Weston
Part I
Copyright © 2015 by E.A. Weston
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from E.A. Weston, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.
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ISBN-13: 978-1505289503
ISBN-10: 1505289505
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Cover Design by Ruxandra Tudorica at Methyss-art.
Map drawn by Antony Weston.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is coincidental.
To my Readers – without you this dream would not be possible.
To Ruxandra – Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You made my imagination come to life with this cover.
To Antony – My brother and artist. Thank you for drawing the map and making Avalon become a tangible place.
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For all the years I have lived amongst the humans, in all the countries, this is by far my best choice. Looking in the mirror, I am still the same person—the same black eyes and the same black hair. My mother told me I was the perfect mixture of her and my father. Their perfect little prince. I got my father’s warrior abilities and my mother’s compassion. But neither has served me in this world. When I first crossed into this human existence I was angry and bitter; my life was torn from my grasp, but now all these years later, I have not given up my hope of one day returning.
I check my reflection one more time before leaving my apartment, grabbing my leather jacket as I close the door. Tonight should be good at work; on themed nights we usually get a whole different crowd than the usual club-goers. Tonight is Fantasy and Fairies; although humans have no real idea about fairies, they do try. Arriving at the club, I take a seat at the meeting table where all the other bar staff are lounging around. The manager gives his usual weekend speech. Sell more alcohol, card everyone, and make money. I join my friends and fellow barmen James and Ethan. We usually work the main bar together on Saturday nights.
“Let’s rock and roll,” Ethan announces, drumming his hands on the tabletop.
“Hey, I hope we get to see some honey's tonight. I need a friend for a few hours.” Rolling my eyes, I head down to the club floor. Ethan is a self-proclaimed ladies’ man. Every weekend he says that he needs a friend but usually goes home alone, but James, he doesn’t even try and gets about ten phone numbers every week. We work well together, so I don’t mind them too much. That’s the thing about being me and where I come from; we love to touch and give comfort to each other and dance in the revelry. I miss home still to this day. One day I will get back.
“Yo, Killian, doors are open. Get your smile on, bro,” Ethan shouts at me. I nod and wave at him. He likes to pump us up with some pep talk. He is harmless really, but a good friend. Doors open at nine pm. I have a few regulars who ask for me; all are dressed as fairies. Savannah is nice enough—she usually flirts with me, and we’ve kissed a few times, but that was it, never anything more. She has two other girls with her who I don’t know, but both look cute with their matching costumes.
“Hi, Killian. You didn’t dress up tonight?”
Savannah pouts and I just shrug. I don’t ever dress up at these things and every time she pouts at me. I pour their drinks and watch them dance.
By eleven, the club is packed with all kinds of weird. Some chicks are barely wearing clothes and the guys are all over them. Wiping down my area, I feel something inside me shift, something I haven’t felt for decades. I feel my skin tingling like a million ants are running over me. Taking a deep breath, I savor the moment. This can’t be happening. Is it real or my imagination? I turn to look at the crowd before me, trying to figure out who caused it. A girl with platinum blond hair and a very short blue costume stands by the dance floor. I can only see her back. She is dressed as a fairy with wings so authentic looking they take my breath away. I need to see her face, but she doesn’t turn. I can’t take my eyes off her, watching as she makes her way through the crowd to the middle of the floor.
The music is thumping. I can feel the bass pounding through my body, rattling my bones. Shit, I can’t see her. I move down the bar, much to Ethan’s annoyance.
“Hey, get the fuck back on your own side, man.”
I ignore him, trying to see her, but I can’t. She is lost in the sea of people dancing. Walking back to my own end of the bar, I can’t shake this feeling. My skin still feels tingly. Savannah and her friends come back for more drinks.
“Killian, baby, we need a shot,” she shouts over the music. Nodding, I turn to make them each a banana daiquiri shot. Bringing their drinks over, I catch a glimpse of blue out of the corner of my eye. When I look, I see her again, only she still hasn’t turned around. I give Savannah her drinks while looking over her head. The girl in blue finds her friends, I guess.
They go back to dance and, this time, I have a perfect view. I watch as she hangs her arm around some dude, gyrating her hips to the music. I can see her profile. She has blue makeup across her eyes in the shape of a mask, like you see at Mardi Gras. Her eyes are closed as she waves her free hand in the air. The guy turns her back to him, fucking dry humping her.
I can’t tear my eyes away. I feel like a magnet is drawing me to her. I continue watching as she throws her head back, laughing, and then lowering her head, she opens her eyes, looking directly at me. My heart stops for a beat. She is beautiful. I can see the blue and silver of her eyes shining against the glitter of the makeup; her lips are a perfect bow, begging for my mouth to taste her. I feel my blood course through my veins like molten lava; my skin is on fire from watching her. I don’t know how this is happening, but my senses are heightening. Could she be the one?
Have I finally found my way home?
Chapter 1
75 years ago in the Fairy Realm
* * *
“Princess Aurelia,”
I whisper into the wind, allowing it to take my message to her. I am three miles away, hiding in a tall oak tree beneath the canopy of leaves. The sun is shining on the valley today, brightening the colors, and the meadow grass is a vibrant green, swaying gently in the breeze. The river to my right gently meanders as it tumbles over the rocks. I am waiting for my sister to find me. We are training today, as we do four days a week. Our father is one of the realm’s most feared warriors and the King.
My senses are on alert as my sister approaches. I can hear her soft footfalls as she tries to circle around the trees. She is learning, but she can never hide f
rom me; fairies have exceptional hearing and sight, among other things, but today is all about those two senses. Slowing my breathing so she can’t hear me, I watch as her shadow falls across the trunk of the tree I am in. I crouch low on the branch as I see her arm resting on the tree trunk. Clever fairy, asking the tree for help. Just as she leans in, I pounce, landing behind her. She whips around, using her staff to try to hit my face, but I am quick. Fending her off with my own staff, we swipe and slash at each other as we move into the meadow.
She jumps high as I swipe at her legs. Coming down she tries a chop at my arm as I jump sideways.
“Not bad, little sister,” I say, lunging at her again. She smirks at me, trying to swipe my legs.
“I am better than you expected, brother.”
Our staffs clash together with a deafening sound as we swing at each other again. The sound of our sparring carries on the wind. I can hear whispers surrounding us as fairies come out to watch. We usually have an escort from the King’s Guard, but today we snuck out.
I roll along the ground as she uses her staff like an ax, chopping at me. I quickly roll back towards her, knocking her off her feet as I pounce on top of her, holding my staff across her throat.
“Good try, sister. You are improving, but we must return. I fear we are drawing an unwanted crowd.”
Both of us are breathing heavily as I look around the meadow. I notice about one hundred fairies all enraptured by us. Climbing off her, I hold out my hand, helping her up. She looks around too, seeing the crowd.
“We must go, brother.”
She sounds slightly alarmed and I squeeze her hand. “Hold tight, Aurelia.” She grips my hand tighter and nods. I start to run as fast as possible. I know she is not as fast as me, but I can’t chance her falling behind.
We whizz through the meadow towards our home. Although we are traveling fast, I notice every detail around me—the birds chirping, the ground creatures foraging, and the few fairies that have followed us from the meadow.
“Slow down, Killian! You are too fast for me,” my sister calls. Once we are close to home, I slow to a jog.
“I’m sorry, Aurelia, we were being followed.” She nods, coming to a complete stop. I stop with her, keeping a lookout. Most fairies are friendly, but there are always one or two who don’t like us.
“Can we just stay out here a little longer?” she asks, sitting on the grass.
“Sure.” I take a seat beside her. I am a year older than her and very protective. She is my sister and I have a duty to protect her at all times, but I actually like her too.
“Why do you not want to go home, Ari?”
She shrugs, pulling at the blades of grass by her feet. “I just want to spend time with you. We haven’t really played around for a while. We are always training or sparring. I miss you, Killian.” She smiles at me.
“I know, sister, I miss playing too, but we have to grow up and fulfill our duties. No one misses the fun more than I do.”
She looks over at me, putting her hand on my shoulder.
“Will you tell me the legend again?”
Her pleading eyes are a beautiful golden color just like our mothers.
“You know the legend, Aurelia,” I scold her making her huff out a breath. I can’t help but laugh at her sad expression. “Okay, I will tell you again.” She claps her hands.
“Oh, Killian, thank you.”
I cough for a dramatic effect before I start.
“The legend of the realm begins with Celeste, the fairy goddess of the moon. It is said that she is the keeper of the fairies who fell from the heavens to the earth. She was the most beautiful fairy who ever lived and bestowed all her fairies with beautiful faces that pleased her. She gave them many colors and many gifts, which we still have to this day. We have the speed of the greatest wind—warriors were gifted with the fierceness of her husband Caelian, the most powerful warrior of all. She gifted the fairies with the music of the angels and a land rich in color and food. Celeste also bestowed the gift of magic to our people, allowing us the freedom to play and dance but also allowing us to protect ourselves from the human realm. Magic allows us to hide in plain sight and change our appearance.
It is also said that on a night of the silver moon, a fairy will be born into the human realm who is the child of Celeste and Caelian. This fairy will possess the gifts of all the fairies who ever lived and that when this fairy finds their true love, they can pass into the fairy realm together, living among fairies for the rest of their lives.”
“Killian, there is more,” my sister whines.
“Yes, there is, but we need to get back.” Standing up, I reach for her hand.
“It’s so romantic,” she sings dreamily. I have to laugh at her.
“It is only a story, Ari.” She pushes my shoulder.
“You are not romantic at all. How can you even call yourself a fairy, brother?” This causes me to laugh harder.
“Because I am a fairy, sister.”
Aurelia shakes her head at me as we walk towards our home. “Are you coming to the dance tonight, Killian?” Looking over, I shrug. “You know Tatiana will be there and she’s hoping to dance with you.”
“Sister, I do not need to you to make a match for me. I am well able to find a fairy for myself,” I scold, putting my arm around her shoulder.
“I know, but I just want you to be happy.” She smiles at me.
“I am happy, Ari. I will eventually find my true mate, don’t worry.”
She kisses my cheek.
“I love you, Killian, but while you wait, you can dance and have some fun. Besides, I want to go but I need an escort.” She smiles at me.
“Of course, you want to go, it’s summer solstice and you are the princess of the summer fairy.”
“I am sure mother will be delighted when she hears you call her that.” She giggles.
I smile at her. “She is the summer fairy, is she not?” Aurelia rolls her eyes at me.
“Yes, brother, she is, but you know she only likes us to call her mother.”
I shrug, thinking of my mother. She is the summer fairy—both of her parents were of the summer court, which is why her coloring is golden, as is Aurelia’s. They both have the same golden eyes that shine brightly on a summer’s day and both their wings are golden and shimmery. My sister has lighter hair than my mother, but both are beautiful. Their skin is a pale tan color, which only enhances their beauty.
I take after my father and the warrior fairies; although I have summer blood in me, my coloring is darker. My skin is the same light tan, but my eyes are a black as the night sky; my hair is a true warrior’s, black as ink, and my wings are black with silver veins. Although black, they are almost see-through, much like a fine film. This allows me greater speed and agility in battle.
As we approach our castle in the trees, I can see my sister’s guardian Connor pacing back and forth. In a blur of wings and color, he is beside us, grabbing my throat.
“Killian, where have you been? Why did you not inform me of the princess’ whereabouts?”
Grabbing his hand, I spin, breaking his grip with my elbow.
“Do you forget that I am the prince?” I roar at him.
“No, I do not, but Aurelia’s safety is my concern.”
I watch as the anger clears from his face, leaving him with worry.
“I am sorry, Connor, but my sister and I went for a walk in the meadow. As you can see, we are fine.”
Aurelia steps up beside me, looking at Connor. She does not like this guardian, but he is one of my fathers most trusted men.
“Connor, my brother and I are fine. You may stop worrying and take your leave.”
Connor looks at us both. “Why are you two in your training gear?”
Pushing past him, I walk into the castle. “Never mind, Connor.”
I know I shouldn’t provoke him, but there is something about him I don’t like either.
“Killian, will you meet me at my room later for
the revelry?”
I nod to my sister as she ascends the stairs. I make my way to the kitchen, looking for some food.
“I didn’t know you had training today,” I hear as I search through the fruit. Looking up, I see my father and smile.
“I didn’t. Ari and I were playing around in the meadow.”
“And Connor?” he asks.
Now it was my turn to smile. “He got lost along the way.” My father laughs out loud.
“Son, you are going to get into trouble if your mother finds out.”
“I can take care of my own sister, father. We don’t need him with us all the time.”
My father watches me. “I know you can, son, but two warriors are better than one, and besides I have had an offer of marriage for her.”
I spin around to face my father, feeling shocked.
“What! Father, she is only nineteen. You can’t marry her off already.” He holds up his hands.
“Calm down, Killian, I have no intention of marrying off my baby just yet.”
I let myself relax. “Why would anyone want to marry her when they know she has a true mate out there?” My father smiles at me.
“Some people are impatient and some do not believe in true mates.” I watch him carefully as I take a seat beside him.
“What about you? Do you believe?” I ask.
He smiles at me. “Of course, that’s how I met your mother.” He takes an apple from my plate. Biting into it, he winks.
“What about you, son, do you believe?” He turns the tables on me quickly watching me waiting for my answer.
“I don’t know, I am twenty years old now and I don’t know. Sometimes I am happy to wait but other times, I see my friends with their true mates and it hurts.”
He grips my shoulder. “Don’t worry too much, son. Your mate is out there, I believe in it. Twenty is not old, Killian. I know, I met your mother when she was young, but I was twenty-five and it happened by accident.”